I look at the Hiltons and the Lil' Kims of today, and I think .. Stars from the Golden Era had so much more grace, elegance and subtle attitude, compared to today.
Would do anything to see Cary Grant, Grace Kelly or Marilyn Monroe back on the silver screen again.
And their comebacks were ever so delightful. Someone once asked Bogart if he smoked after sex, and he said he'd never looked to check. Monroe was asked if she had anything on while sleeping, and she said, 'the radio'. The interviewer then clarified, and asked, if she wore anything in bed, and she quipped back, 'perfume'.
At least they gave the press a lot more to write about instead of not-so-missing babies. I'm so 'suri' about that quip, Mr. Sofa-Spring-Tester.
I love the classics. One of the earliest movies I remember was the first adaptation of Daphne Du Maurier's Rebecca, by Hitchcock. Appreciate a lot of the darker works of Guy De Maupassant and Dali (Le Chien Andalou was oddly ominous), right to the more romantic works of Frank Capra. Ah, don't get me started. Its a whole wide beautiful world of cinema in the Classics, lost in heritage and now restricted to graveyard shift TV time and Christmas reruns. I know most of you are the LOTR and/or chick flick-type, but there are some gems which will convert you.
In other news, give me liberty or give me a Frrrozen Hot Chocolate.
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