Saturday, September 09, 2006

My Musical Muse...

The Yamaha Motif ES 8.

88 keys of sheer heaven. Test drove this baby at a 5th Avenue music store the other day, and I testify its wowability. Crystal-clear sounds, the acoustic piano is unreal! It also comes with fully charged USB compatibility, and a host of really cool effects like fret noise, etc.

What makes the Motif range stand out is "Megavoice" technology, that enhances natural expression of the sounds - something that has helped Yamahas rise above the rest, especially vis-a-vis the tincan-ish Triton range - the bane of Korg's existence.

List of bands that use the Motif read like a who's who. Global Motif-manics include Alicia Keys, Green Day, Mariah Carey and Elton John.

Now there's something worth saving up for.

In other news, interesting designs in place for the new Downtown Manhattan skyline, due for release in 2012. Lets hope this once gets implemented. 5 years to the date, and they haven't crossed ground level.

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