You know what a cliche is, right? Now, as Goldstein would say, 'picture the exact opposite of that' - and you have the pulse of Chicago.
What keeps Chicago far away from similar metrocliches that forms the egocenter of other concrete jungles, is the invigorated look that the city has. The architecture is rather unique - not staid and not overstated, but subtly splendid. The Lakefront is what occupies your attention. The skyline seconds it. And its all supported by the understructure of an underplayed yet uniquely identified attitude. Something that I can only categorize as "Casual Chic".
Not to mention, some of the world's snazziest automobiles. Ooh la la.
Mad, mad, mad props to the heartfelt planning of my wonderful lil' acquired taste, who showed me around her beloved Chicago, better than any professional tourguide would. Thanks to her, I was forced to come out of Karan's Kloset (TM) - shh, don't ask, don't tell - and get the insider's tour to this magical city, as she showed me her favorite hotspots, with high point mentions being (in order):
Red Light: Legit!
Sushi Samba: Hot!
Japonais: Ablaze!
Tizi Melloul: Sizzle!
Y Bar: Meltdown!
And of course, the long-elusive Signature Room, where we caught Sunday brunch - coincidentally on a Sunday.
Yes, its not New York. Nothing can ever be, so lets not even compare, people.
That aside, I have to admit that Chicago isn't a cliche at all - like Houston or Seattle (Don't shoot, M and H). Chicago has this inherent "je ne sais quoi" that makes you leave some part of your conscious, behind.
As Frank Sinatra said it best, "This is the town that won't let you down. You can bet your bottom dollar, that you'll lose the blues in Chicago".
In other news, caught an awesome article in Fortune on the flight back about the MySpace success story. Thought I'd share.
Back to the grind, crew. As always, the labor begins after Labor Day.
Dude - who was your tour guide. Or need I ask.
thought u wanted to sleep
Sniff. Poor me. You've found a better tour guide it seems :(
Wow you hit pretty much all the best spots in Chi-town. Except Signature Room, their food is v. meh.
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