Saturday, September 30, 2006
I am addicted to this song, from the soundtrack of Dor. The beat section with the Indian dholkis is AMAZING. It encapsulates the spirit of Rajasthan, ever so effortlessly.
Dor has a very curious storyline, and after an off-spinner like Iqbal gaining critical acclaim, it would be interesting to see what threads Nagesh weaves next.
In other news, Ram Gopal Varma's Sholay has me cattily eager to figure out what this man has up his sleeve. Especially with interviews like this one.
A lot. Especially a surname. A lot of typical Indian surnames literally speak to you, and have a personality of their own.
Weak and tired surnames, (almost needy): Khanna, Das
Erudite and knowledgeable surnames: Roy, Trivedi
Surnames spelling confusion: Gupta, Dasgupta
Surnames spelling Elegance: Mehta, Mohan
Surnames that I can't spell: Chidambarambam, Kumaralinganma
Regal surnames: Rai, Rao .. and lets face it, Oberoi
Yes, I know. I did the disappearing act. I fell off the horizon of the Blogosphere. But it was all for a good cause. If you consider obsessive back-to-back pedicures to be a good cause. At least I'm keeping dem Chinese people happy, in contrast to them providing the happy endings.
So what have I missed while I was away. The blinking lights on my answering service tell me that there have been
- Shootouts and hostage situations at schools across the nation. (See I told you, education was bad!)
- Shrunken Well-endowed Starlets losing their sons to mysterious deaths, and then marrying their lawyer out of depression
- Musharraf on the Daily Show (UNREAL!)
- Celebrities appropriating nudity through mass parades (or was that a dream?)
Anyhow, basically - nothing's really changed, has it?
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
If it wasn't for soundtracks like Omkara and upcoming Kukunoor's Dor, especially tracks like "Yeh Haunsla", the theme track and "Kesariya Balam", one would have very little hope for the survival of Folk/Classical Music, in the relative hip/hop-ization of Bollywood. Salim-Suleiman have brilliant composed these lilting melodies, and Shafquat "Mitwaa" Khan brings the house down with his flawless singing.
Check it out. That soundtrack is dynamite!
Those in the market for a new home, rejoice! The Market slag is here, as sales have finally slowed down. Great time to buy. And before I sound like I'm marketing for realty, let me move to the crux of the situation.
Aamir Khan needs to erect a booth on Sunset Boulevard, or move to LA altogether, as it appears that only his films get to be India's Oscar entries. This year, its RDB. Wasn't too difficult a decision, as its opponents were (SRK imitation mode activated) k-k-k-Krrishh and k-k-k-KANK. Of course there was Omkara, but a Shakespeare adaptation is too familiar a territory to submit to the Academy, with nominees/winners like Laurence Olivier. Also, I'd like to see a Manga-flick actually make it up there.
In other news, New Yorkers craving home-cooked and piping hot desi food during the afternoon slump, to make us even more unproductive and respite with sloth, there's now a downtown Dabba service to have you finga-licking. Food's legit, one can never put a price tag on 'ghar ka khaana' and quality, especially when the management is the same as earthNYC. The business model works and when it comes to awesome desi food, IndianKitchen delivers - literally. Also, check out Indian Chinese.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Apparently, its the new cussword at Goldman Sachs. How is it different from a micromanager, you ask? Well, a microleader is a manager/supervisor who wants to project himself as the leader/initiator/founder of every small concept/idea, rather than the overall authority. Basically, the kind of creep who doesn't want anyone but him to get credit for anything - regardless of how small or insignificant the issues are.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Saturday, September 23, 2006

Wear your desi pride
Isn't that cool? More such maal at P's online store, Chaddis in a Twist(??), with his exclusive desi-gns. Don't think you get this stuff anywear. I know DesiWear had tried to do this, but they got too ghetto after a while. I like the ladkiwaale, ladkewaale range - can totally picture a whole wedding with the crew wearing this. That'd be hot!
My sincere request is for P to design a thong with the stars and stripes on it, and the words "Got Citizenship?". I know JUST the white girl(s) to give that to!! :-)
In other news, Bush is the devil. Chavez for President.
Great weekend, peeps!
Focal Chords
Checked out Anish Kapoor's new design, which he calls a "non-object". It was unveiled on September 19th, and faces Manhattan's Rockefeller Center, and quite like CloudGate at Millennium Park, Chicago, has a convex face which reflects street activity. 'Sky Mirror' once again outlines the Bombay-based artist's fascination for reflective art.
What's even more exciting is that Anish has been commissioned to design the 9/11 memorial at WTC.
The "All the world's a stage" Cafe
In other news, you know those typical people watching cafes that line New York. Like Digby's and Cafe Metro, where you have the table that faces the street. Isn't that curiously awkward? Kinda like all those walking the street are performing for you. You see people doing everyday tasks sauntering down the road, and then they spot one of these cafes with a row of people chomping away and inadvertently staring at them, and they become all proper. Random suited guy, who was formerly adjusting himself, suddenly gets conscious and pretends that he has lint on his pants which he's getting rid off. Woman on cell phone, re-aligns her posture. Its almost like your 3 and a half seconds of fame as you walk across that window.
Note to Starbucks: Too much caffeine, barista.
Friday, September 22, 2006
A friend of mine from McKinsey has been invited to a fundraising dinner at the UN with Bill Clinton, and apparently is going to have a one-on-one with Bill. He sent out a query to us, asking us for the opening line that he should greet Billy Boy Hickcock with.
"Hey Bill. Do you miss the oral .. I mean .. oval office?"
Any others?
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Only difference is he/she gets PAID for their curiosity.
IP Address: 192.249.47.# (United Technologies Research Center)
Continent : North America
Country : United States (Facts)
State : Connecticut
City : Newington
Referring URL:
Search Engine:
Search Words: customer perception, elevator
I knew it! There are more elevator logisticists out there! Someone help me find my elevator buddy!
Ah, Simple way to sum up global issues, innit? Whether its religious heads who need to lookup the word "repercussions" in their historical dictionary, or rebellious green veggies spreading sickness. Its an absolute 'no way out' in most cases. Interestingly enough, on one hand, the Pope called Islam satanic, and on the other hand, Chavez called Bush the devil. By which analogy (taking me back to the SAT days), Dubya is a radical closet Moslem with a red pointy tail.
In other news, I don't get this whole argument that people profess when they say that Americans are crass and cultureless. This is predominant amongst desis. Why? Americans are not cultureless. They just have a culture which is categorically different from ours. Their viewpoints, their inhibitions (or the lack of them) and their generic attitude is tangential to ours. But it would be near-fascist to say that they were cultureless, for chrissakes.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
kaise tere bin jeeyen
hai yeh saansein kis liye
hum pukaarein tera naam
kaise ab kate yeh shaam
tere bin, tere bin
kabhi kabhi humein hota nahin yakeen,
suraj ki roshni mein shaam dhal rahi,
raaton ke aad mein raat hai meri,
kya kahein, zindagi
This is Indian Sunrise.
And before you draw your sudden parallels to Anu Malik, let me just say that its not "inspired" .. its a tribute to genius.
Where are they now? Dhol Foundation: 'Healing with Turmeric' and 'Ek Din' (Big Drum, Small World) - unreal stuff!
In other news, sigh ....... what more can I say ... just read.
NEW BRUNSWICK, New Jersey (AP) -- A doctor has pleaded not guilty to stealing a hand from a New Jersey medical school cadaver and giving it to an exotic dancer, authorities said.
Ahmed Rashed, a 2005 graduate of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, was charged Monday after voluntarily returning from Los Angeles, California, where he is in a residency program, said his lawyer, Hassen Abdellah.
Rashed, 26, is free on $1,000 bail.
Police discovered the hand, along with six human skulls, at Kay's home in July after being called there on a report that a roommate was suicidal. The roommate was not home, but Kay was.Kay, 31, has pleaded not guilty to unlawful disposal of human remains. Her mother has said she believed the skulls were bought from a mail order catalog.
The charge against Rashed carries up to 10 years in prison. The dancer, Linda Kay, kept the hand in a jar of formaldehyde in her bedroom. Friends have said she called the hand "Freddy."
Opening credits: The Story of O - Claude Challe & Ravin
Waking up: Wonderwall - Oasis (Unplugged)
Average day: Ayla - Nirwana
First date: Lover Lay Down - Dave Mathews Band (Unplugged)
Falling in love: In Your Eyes - Peter Gabriel
Love scene: I Don't Want To Miss A Thing - Aerosmith
Fight scene: Weapon of Choice - Fatboy Slim
Breaking up: Set Adrift on Memory Bliss - PM Dawn
Secret love: Blower's Daughter - Damien Rice
Life's okay: Lucky Man - The Verve
Losing a Friend/Lover: Don't Cry - Guns N' Roses
Mental breakdown: The Thin Line between Love and Hate - Iron Maiden
Driving: 9 PM - ATB
Learning a lesson: Ironic - Alanis Morissette (Unplugged)
Deep thought: Pay the Man (Guitar Solo) - Offspring
Flashback: Homelands - Nitin Sawhney
Exuberance: Release - Pearl Jam
Regreting: This Love - Maroon 5
Acceptance: Otherside - Red Hot Chili Peppers
Long night alone: One - U2
Death scene: Ni Sahiyeo Asan - Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan (Nightsong, with Michael Brooks)
Closing credits: The Memory Remains (Metallica with the SF Philharmonic)
Tag all readers to put similar ones up on their blog. Makes for good reading and mental imaging :-)
Tuesday, September 19, 2006

In other news, Its stories like this that really make you rethink where you're at.
PS: Answer to the obvious question - third from left. Click on it to enlarge (if only this feature were applicable everywhere)
Monday, September 18, 2006
This is what makes us grow older sooner, and what makes it seem that time is flying by. We live through the week waiting for a Friday, and we classify our year with the number of fun weekend outings that we have had.
Simple solution.
Live it up ALL WEEK :-)
In other news, "bindiya lagaati to kaanpti thi palkein" (the opening lines to Euphoria's Maaeri) is such an awesome observation, dontcha think (for phoreners, the translation is "as she put on her bindi, she delicately shivered her eyelashes"). Don't hear stuff like that these days.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Don't touch that spinach. It could be infected with E-Coli! That's given all dem kids one more excuse to lay off the greens.
Boss: What would you say about your disposition towards this?
Me: Well .. its better than my that position towards it! (giggle)
Boss: (awkward silence)
Me: (freakishly loud and uncontrollable laughter)
Boss: (disturbed silence)
Me: (side-splitting, head rolling, gagging but guffawing)
Boss: (slightly worried silence blending into angry silence)
Me: (tears rolling down eyes)
Boss: (silence hi silence)
Me: I'm done.
Boss: Leave.
Me: Ok.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Anyhow, for those of you who just checked in, RevEv was down like a flat tire this morning, thanks to the 'tack'-iness of certain neanderthal e-jackers. Prevented me from giving you loyalists your daily dose of rebellion. Anywho, it was the Blog Geek Squad to the rescue and got us resuscitated. Clear!
In other news, check out this skit I wrote while I was with Masala. Its an audio capture from a live performance. Developing this into something more interesting in the next week, and will give y'all more news when I can.
Outta town this weekend. Got a ray of light to catch (Kevin Spacey in K-PAX). We'll take it on the other side, gangstas. Laterz!
You know how much I love elevators, right? :-)
So here goes
24 fun things to do in an elevator!
1. Grimace painfully while smacking your forehead and muttering: "Shut up, dammit, all of you just shut UP!"
2. Whistle the first seven notes of "It's a Small World" incessantly.
3. Crack open your briefcase or purse, and while peering inside ask: "Got enough air in there?"
4. Offer name tags to everyone getting on the elevator. Wear yours upside-down.
5. Stand silent and motionless in the corner, facing the wall, without getting off.
6. When arriving at your floor, grunt and strain to yank the doors open, then act embarrassed when they open by themselves.
7. Greet everyone getting on the elevator with a warm handshake and ask them to call you Admiral.
8. On the highest floor, hold the door open and demand that it stay open until you hear the penny you dropped down the shaft go "plink" at the bottom.
9. Stare, grinning, at another passenger for a while, and then announce: "I've got new socks on!"
10. When at least 8 people have boarded, moan from the back: "Oh, no, not now, damn motion sickness!"
11. Meow occasionally.
12. Holler "Chutes away!" whenever the elevator descends.
13. Walk on with a cooler that says "human head" on the side.
14. Stare at another passenger for a while, then announce "You're one of THEM!" and move to the far corner of the elevator.
15. Wear a puppet on your hand and talk to other passengers "through" it.
16. When the elevator is silent, look around and ask "is that your beeper?"
17. Say "Ding!" at each floor.
18. Say "I wonder what all these do" and push the red buttons.
19. Listen to the elevator walls with a stethoscope.
20. Draw a little square on the floor with chalk and announce to the other passengers that this is your "personal space."
21. Announce in a demonic voice: "I must find a more suitable host body."
22. Make explosion noises when anyone presses a button.
23. Wear "X-Ray Specs" and leer suggestively at other passengers.
24. Stop at every floor, run off the elevator, then run back on.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
And Whitney knows how to resolve it. She dropped Bobby Brown like rejection polls on Bush. Guess she finally got wise to the fact that he's really been 'humpin' around'.
Have you smelt that new perfume? Wow, that's something only we desis can say. Makes it sound so functional. As Coco would say it, a scent is to be exuded, and not just for nasal sensory perception. When you say 'smelt', it just loses its entire aura. Btw, that new Acqua Di Parma? Who in god's good name considers that to be a feminine scene? Its about as feminine as Amanda Peet, for chrissakes.
In other news, Snakes on a Plane is a must-watch for fans of the Big Bad Sam L.J., the Godfather of Cool. Plan to catch it soon! Also, after De Palma, good to see Scorcese back with a flick featuring De Caprio, Jack Nicholson and Matt Damon. What a coup? I dunno why but I always classified the semi-noir styles of Coppola, De Palma and Scorcese in one school of film-making in my head - even though they are all so diverse. Does that make me wierd? No, I think its cuz I spell weird as wierd. I do. I admit it. I think it sounds right phonetically. Wierd. My way. Deal with it. *sigh* Bring on the coffee and prozac, lady.
Only way I can describe Lage Raho. The movie kicked a$$ in the best methodology that a$$ can be kicked. The combination of a great "original" story featuring characters with incredible comic timing come together to make a legendary flick! More like this, Bollywood.
In other news, am quite eager to see Brian De Palma's comeback vehicle, and he's chosen a fascinating subject with Black Dahlia. The curious life and gruesome, mysterious death of Elizabeth Short was almost as puzzling as the unraveling, through a strange series of events after her murder. Goes right up there with Monroe, Kennedy and Area 51. Its strangeness surrounding the incident, did inspire a large degree of noir work, but its awesome that De Palma is reviving this tale that testifies that truth is indeed stranger than fiction.
Would trust him entirely to put the exact blend of darkness and mystic appeal to this story. Haven't seen much from him in the last decade, except for MI:1 and Snakeeyes (I'm not counting Mission To Mars, that was highly forgettable).
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Had an interesting visitor to my blog today morning.
Domain Name (Unknown)
ISP Qwest Communications
Continent : North America
Country : United States (Facts)
State : New York
City : New York
Lat/Long : 40.7801, -74.0633 (Map)
Visit Length : 9 minutes 45 seconds
Page Views: 15
Referring URL: Blogs
Search Engine:
Search Words: kenneth cole advertising
Hahahahah! Talk about in-depth customer perception. Probably Kenneth himself looking around for what people are talking about his furs on the blogosphere. Highly enjoyable!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Mesmerizing trailer prior to Lage Raho, this Vinod Chopra production seems to be quite grand in scale. Gotta admit that the look and background score does resemble Devdas, a lot. You'll notice this one background element, that sounds like the "Deva re deva" wail in the "Theme of Devdas". I love the train sequence. Do catch this teaser when you can. Check out the mythological legend of Eklavya, the warrior, here - quite fascinating really.
"What’s Shahrukh Khan worth? Rupees eight hundred, says the Filmy Stock Exchange or FSE. The make-believe brouse is meant to be an online game that Bollywood buffs can play on the internet and through mobiles. To bring in the fun the promoting channel, Filmy, has roped in actor Arshad Warsi as brand ambassador whose repartees at the Friday press announcement, at the Hilton Towers, proved he’s living it up to the success of Lago Raho Munnabhai.
To start in October, players at FSE will be provided with virtual money to trade in shares representing the value of popular stars whose market value will be decided by industry buzz. Points made will be redeemed with prizes. By the way, the Amitabh Bachchan’s valued at Rs 700 and beta Abhishek at Rs 500. Wonder who we’d rather put money on?"
- excerpt from the Indian Express
Monday, September 11, 2006
In other news ...... the delicate balance between memories of unfathomed resilience and forbearance of the persistent existence of terrorism remains 5 years after that unfortunate day in '01. The scales tip towards the former, today, as we remember. Prayers with families dealing with loss, strength to those fighting terrorism and woe to the proponents of fanaticism.
But should we, never forget? I think not.
We live in a world, that's in dire need of a return to innocence. A return to foundations and theory. A world so swayed by the penetration of what they believe is reality, that they have forgotten how to live and let live in the bargain.
Perhaps, a revival of Gandhi-giri?

Had the glorious opportunity to check out the "Notes of Hope" concert in Manhattan, featuring santoor maestros, and father and son, Pt. Shiv Kumar Sharma and Rahul Sharma, this weekend.
Beyond being exponents in their own realm, what is profoundly interesting about this duo, is the nature of their music. While Shiv Kumar plays Raag Yaman with contemporary wisdom, Rahul throws in differential notes of modern rebelliousness. There's an immediate glance-over from Shiv, and Rahul looks back mischievously, and then Shiv smiles and puts the raag right back on track with a finesse that time has instilled in him. Their communication through music is awe-inspiring. Almost feel like they're talking to each other, through the mellifluous notes of this magical instrument.
Also, this weekend, re-discovered the Central Park Zoo - don't judge me, minions - Spending an hour aww-ing at monkeys, bats, penguins and red pandas, is a perfectly good Sunday afternoon.
But what made the weekend was (Haye Re Haye) Lage Raho Munnabhai. Review forthcoming.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Stumbled upon an awesome album called "Vande Mataram: An Electronic Exploration". Some of the tracks on there are priceless - especially Ambient Dub Mix and Electro Indian Mix (by Midival Pundits - the dudes behind Don Revisited). Check it out. Wonder why this didn't make it out there? Guess the proportionality of good music and successful music just gets de-denominated.
In other news, this happened three blocks from work, and we actually saw the chase happen. Didn't know it was Fitty though. Strange things happen in the Big Bad City.
The Yamaha Motif ES 8.
88 keys of sheer heaven. Test drove this baby at a 5th Avenue music store the other day, and I testify its wowability. Crystal-clear sounds, the acoustic piano is unreal! It also comes with fully charged USB compatibility, and a host of really cool effects like fret noise, etc.
What makes the Motif range stand out is "Megavoice" technology, that enhances natural expression of the sounds - something that has helped Yamahas rise above the rest, especially vis-a-vis the tincan-ish Triton range - the bane of Korg's existence.
List of bands that use the Motif read like a who's who. Global Motif-manics include Alicia Keys, Green Day, Mariah Carey and Elton John.
Now there's something worth saving up for.In other news, interesting designs in place for the new Downtown Manhattan skyline, due for release in 2012. Lets hope this once gets implemented. 5 years to the date, and they haven't crossed ground level.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Concepts, boss. Its all about concepts.
When I first saw the Penny Texting - Virgin Mobile ad campaign, "Giving power back to the penny", I was amazed at the thought process that cutting-edge agency, Mother New York, had provided to this campaign (They also handle Target's subliminal campaign across the city, which is a prelude to their big launch on Times Square).
But the cooler part is the fact that they have deployed a penny with a miniature tracking device and put it into the system, and they provide live website feeds as to how far the penny has travelled, and which city its in.
Give a dime? Check it out here. (Click on Penny Story)
I look at the Hiltons and the Lil' Kims of today, and I think .. Stars from the Golden Era had so much more grace, elegance and subtle attitude, compared to today.
Would do anything to see Cary Grant, Grace Kelly or Marilyn Monroe back on the silver screen again.
And their comebacks were ever so delightful. Someone once asked Bogart if he smoked after sex, and he said he'd never looked to check. Monroe was asked if she had anything on while sleeping, and she said, 'the radio'. The interviewer then clarified, and asked, if she wore anything in bed, and she quipped back, 'perfume'.
At least they gave the press a lot more to write about instead of not-so-missing babies. I'm so 'suri' about that quip, Mr. Sofa-Spring-Tester.
I love the classics. One of the earliest movies I remember was the first adaptation of Daphne Du Maurier's Rebecca, by Hitchcock. Appreciate a lot of the darker works of Guy De Maupassant and Dali (Le Chien Andalou was oddly ominous), right to the more romantic works of Frank Capra. Ah, don't get me started. Its a whole wide beautiful world of cinema in the Classics, lost in heritage and now restricted to graveyard shift TV time and Christmas reruns. I know most of you are the LOTR and/or chick flick-type, but there are some gems which will convert you.
In other news, give me liberty or give me a Frrrozen Hot Chocolate.

Don't be Hatin'
This one's dedicate to all you financial district deep-pockets - a little self deprecating humor from the Marketing Village. You gotta love us though. You just do.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Color me bad!
Alai Payuthey: One of my all time favorite South Indian Movies. A killer combo of Mani Ratnam (direction), A R Rahman (music) and Santosh Sivan (cinematography). Alai was later remade by Shaad Ali, in a project titled, "Saathiya".
This track, Pachai Nirame, was the original 'color'-definition concept - the brainchild of Santosh Sivan - and I think it was conceived and executed brilliantly. This concept was also used in the title track of Saathiya, as well as in Tumhi Dekho Na in KANK, which already seems like its as prehistoric as Peter Andre.
What I love about the picturization of this song, if you can tolerate Shalini and Madhavan, is the way the colors explode on screen. There's something about this being the original, that makes it so special. Glad I found this gem on YouTube.
Baaqi sab theek? Lage Raho!
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
You know what a cliche is, right? Now, as Goldstein would say, 'picture the exact opposite of that' - and you have the pulse of Chicago.
What keeps Chicago far away from similar metrocliches that forms the egocenter of other concrete jungles, is the invigorated look that the city has. The architecture is rather unique - not staid and not overstated, but subtly splendid. The Lakefront is what occupies your attention. The skyline seconds it. And its all supported by the understructure of an underplayed yet uniquely identified attitude. Something that I can only categorize as "Casual Chic".
Not to mention, some of the world's snazziest automobiles. Ooh la la.
Mad, mad, mad props to the heartfelt planning of my wonderful lil' acquired taste, who showed me around her beloved Chicago, better than any professional tourguide would. Thanks to her, I was forced to come out of Karan's Kloset (TM) - shh, don't ask, don't tell - and get the insider's tour to this magical city, as she showed me her favorite hotspots, with high point mentions being (in order):
Red Light: Legit!
Sushi Samba: Hot!
Japonais: Ablaze!
Tizi Melloul: Sizzle!
Y Bar: Meltdown!
And of course, the long-elusive Signature Room, where we caught Sunday brunch - coincidentally on a Sunday.
Yes, its not New York. Nothing can ever be, so lets not even compare, people.
That aside, I have to admit that Chicago isn't a cliche at all - like Houston or Seattle (Don't shoot, M and H). Chicago has this inherent "je ne sais quoi" that makes you leave some part of your conscious, behind.
As Frank Sinatra said it best, "This is the town that won't let you down. You can bet your bottom dollar, that you'll lose the blues in Chicago".
In other news, caught an awesome article in Fortune on the flight back about the MySpace success story. Thought I'd share.
Back to the grind, crew. As always, the labor begins after Labor Day.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Friday, September 01, 2006
Heavy rings on fingers wave
Another star denies the grave
See the nowhere crowd
Cry the nowhere cheers of honor..
- Metallica, The Memory Remains
Aight, mad props to certain New York Party-goers who called me in strong revolt of my selection, and having not mentioned certain joints-close-to-their-heart, that I do admit that I frequent, and are rather happening.
To those People - There are so many awesome places in the city. Too many lounges, too little web space.
Anyhow, special mentions to:
Whiskey Blue: Another good thing that the W has to offer.
Dos Caminos Soho: All Mex. Go for the mojitos, stay for the tequilas.
Pressure: Another nice Sports lounge - its huge!
And of course, the one I got the most flack for missing out...
Plunge: Yes, I live here.
5 ... 6.... Shakira ... 8
The near-sinfully-attributed stunner that she is, Shakira looked blazin' amazin' at the MTV Video Music Awards at Radio City. Managed to catch a glimpse of her performance on a big-screen at at an after-work bash at La Gazelle, this evening. What was noteworthy was the fact that she was Desified to the core (as you can see, try not to get too many of your paw prints on the monitor, wouldya?). Her performance of Hips, with Wyclef, began with a short flute and tabla intro piece, with her and her crew of backup dancers dressed up in ethnic, doing bharatnatyam.
And what's more, the segment was choreographed by our very own, Farah Khan.
If you get your hands on the video of her performance, try not to drool too much.
Lookingly heartbreakingly hot in her new avatar, and a Pink salwar, hers was probably the only act of consequence at a damp squib VMAs which even Jack Black couldn't revive, as my live phone feeds from G claimed, who happened to score seats at Radio City, but was regretting the labor.
Speaking of labor - live it up this Labor Day Weekend, folks!
In other news, "Nice tip! Bartender gets $10,000 on $26 tab!" is a really sweet story, and makes one rethink a lot of facts of life that we take for granted.
P.U.C.T of the Day: You share your birthday with at least nine million other people around the world. Remember that when I forget yours in the near future!
Best Lounge with a View
The "Oozing with Class" Critic's Mention
W Hotel Lobby Bar
Best Parties
Best Bottle Service
Best House/Deep House
Best All-Nighter / Late-Night
Deepest Wine Cellar
Tavern on the Green
Best Sports Lounge
Best Martinis
Fifty Seven Fifty Seven
57 East 57th Street
Best Jazz
Best Restaurant
Spice Market
Good night, New York. You've truly been wonderful.
Off to the Windy City this long weekend. Have a good one!