Oscar Predictions 2008
My '07 Prediction Score: 5 on 5 (see post here)
My '06 Prediction Score: 4 on 5 (was pleasantly shocked about Crash, see post here)
Not bad, no? Hopefully I should be back in time to catch the Oscars live, but here go my predictions.
As always, there's that eternal battle about who I think should and who I think will. But, having sampled most of the Oscar grub up for grabs this year, here goes:
Best Picture/Director: No Country for Old Men. Dark, disturbing and effortlessly beautiful. Judging by the Academy's history with dark movies, this should clearly bag it, without too much competition.
Best Actor: Hands down! Daniel Day Lewis for There Will Be Blood. Sadly, this is only the second Day Lewis movie I've seen, in nearly 19 years. And he won an Oscar for the last one - My Left Foot, back in 1989. A prolific actor, and a brilliant performance.
My Supporting vote goes to Javier Bardem for No Country for Old Men.
Best Actress: Yes, yes, I know. A lot of people think this one should go to Ellen Page for Juno. Purely for complexity of character, and an effortless performance. She lived the role, we loved her in it. But will she win? I strongly doubt it. Even though Juno is the only happy movie of the lot of significantly "feel-bad" movies, this year. But the Oscars has almost always been about seasoned performance a pointe. The SAGs and Golden Globes may go for encouragement of new talent, but the Academy has been fairly regular about picking pedigree/experience over debuts. Therefore, I'm going to have to go with Marion Cotillard (La Vie En Rose). From what I hear, she could likely be upset by Julie Christie, but I haven't seen Away From Her, so cannot comment.
Supporting should likely be Cate Blanchett (I'm Not There), but could be upset by Tilda Swinton (Michael Clayton). My vote's with Cate, cuz she's awesome. And it would be regretful if she swings out of both her historic nominations this year.
Rock out, Stewart!
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