Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Most Non-Photogenic Prez

I could come up with a bevy of snappy captions for each picture in this G8 summit slideshow - with Bush looking goofier than holy hell. I just have no patience or inclination for Bush-bashing, anymore.

Alright fine .. just one.

"I'm so environmental y'all .. even my thought bubble is eco-friendly".

"Check it out check it out. Condy taught me how to moonwalk"

"C'maaaaaaaaaan ........ C'maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!"


"Must ... stay ... away ... from ... grass! ... Got ... into ... enough ... trouble ... cuz of .... grass"

"Something in your eye, commie"

"Something in your hair, Angie"

"I just spent all afternoon picking stuff off world leaders. I have freaking arrived"

"Don't make fun of Meddy's blue suit. Don't make fun of the blue suit. Learn to live with the blue suit ... don't kick off another Cold War, Dubya ... Just 6 more months and you're out of the House ... Don't screw up. Yes its blue .. I know ... "

"Oh .. say ... can you seeeeee"

"Hey... you're short" 

"Short, stocky, bald Algerian men give me goosebumps"

"Walk like an Egyptian.... with trailer park tootsie in tow"

"Solutions to the world's economic crisis? Dang, I came for the free sashimi, y'all"

1 comment:

Zeenat Rasheed said...

Erm that's a wee bit more than just one, mate.