Having kept up my resolution of watching all the major Oscar contenders this year, my picks:
Actress: Helen Mirren, Jennifer Hudson for supporting (Although I personally think Meryll Streep's Prada was much more deserving)
Actor: Hands down, Forest "Idi Amin" Whittaker (what a performance!), no choice for supporting (I don't know why people consider Wahlberg a favorite, his performance was aight)
Picture/Director: Although my heart wants Scorcese to win both of these, I have a strong feeling he may share this duet with Dreamgirls. Ok, ok, don't go all 'double standards' on me, I know my post on The Departed wasn't exactly deep appraisal, but my subsequent 3 viewings of the movie, swayed my opinion. I remember every scene, every dialogue. The Departed, although it takes a while to circumvent the variance, eventually is an unforgettable experience, in true and inimitable Scorcese style.
And there you have it.
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